Click this button if you want to send an answer to the message. This is the name of the sender of the message. This is the time at which the message was received. This is the icon of the message received. This is the text of the message received. Click this button if you want to get rid of the message. Click here for information about BroadCast. EnterText Other Enter Text Checked Enter your message text here. Enter your message text here. Icon Other Icon Checked This is the icon that will be sent along with the message. You can click here and choose some other icon. Hint: You may copy icons from Finder “Get Info” windows and paste them here. Icon Normal Closes the dialog box without sending a message. Sends the message. Not available because you did not enter any characters or because the message is too long. Sends the message. Displays information about BroadCast. Apple menu Use this menu to open an item in the Apple Menu Items folder, or to get information about BroadCast. Quit. Not available because a dialog box is on the screen. Quit. Also closes all message windows. Closes the frontmost window. Not available because a dialog box is on the screen. Closes the frontmost window. Sends an answer to the frontmost message. Not available because the window does not contain a message. Sends an answer to the frontmost message. File menu Use this menu to answer to a message, to close a message window, or to quit BroadCast. Edit menu Use this menu to work with text and graphics, or to undo an action.